Runes 101

Welcome to the first in what will be a weekly of topics chosen by you, my readers.

Not only are runes a language, but they are also a powerful magickal tool. Which is what we will be focusing on today. Like any language, words hold power. So you must use them with caution when using them for magick. Because sometimes shit backfires lol.

The first thing I should mention is that, the patron of the Norse pantheon is Odin. He discovered the runes by hanging himself on the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and nine nights. He even shoved a spear through himself as sacrifice to show his worth and determination as a never-ending seeker of knowledge. This is why we treat such things with the utmost respect. And do not be surprised if the runes test you and ask for a sacrifice before they reveal themselves to you.

There are many types of runes. I use the Elder Futhark and there are some who use the Younger Futhark. For me the choice was mere convenience. The Elder runes are the ones I've been exposed to over the last 14yrs of my spiritual journey. If you are deciding to take up runes, use the ones that call to you the most, the ones that look and feel right.

Here is a link to explain the different Rune Meanings.

Now, many of you are familiar with the Wiccan rule of 3. What you give out comes back to thee threefold. That's not how our magick works. Everything in magick has balance. What you put out comes back to you, but in an equivalent manner, otherwise it upsets the balance. Regardless of what your intentions may be.

Make sure that you are prepared mentally, physically and spiritually before attempting any sort of magick. Cause when it goes sideways, and it WILL happen sometimes, no matter how careful you are, you have to be ready to accept the consequences.

There are different methods in which you can use runes. You can use them for writing; stories, poems and spellwork etc. You can use them for divination. Be sure to ask a clear and concise question for a proper answer and draw a rune out of a bag. You can speak them, spellwork by chanting aka Galdr. You can use them to create bigger and more potent symbols, like the Helm of Awe, aka Runecraft.

Hopefully this is a good enough overview of the runes. Feel free to post questions, comments and concerns. Let me know if there is something you wish to know more about, or if I missed something entirely as I am still a student of the runes, and quite possibly, will always be.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at 17:30

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