Brags and Boasts: Heathen Style

The structure of our society is ass backwards to put it politely. I would like to address the concept of celebrating and bragging about your successes. You see, the world we live in not only advises against this (due to Christian baggage of vanity) but it also shames people for doing so.

DO NOT for any reason let anyone in your life, lessen the sense of accomplishment and pride when your hard work pays off. You deserve to be recognized and acknowledged for all that you have done. Anyone who shames or guilt trips you or is not happy is jealous that they have chosen not to reach their own potential in life. That is not your problem.

For example, here is a post I made on my personal Facebook page regarding an event I just finished running.

"My Brag. Long ass post ahead.

We all know Heathens encourage and take pride in bragging about our accomplishments. And that's the way it should be. Honour yourself and the amazing shit you do.

I put on a fucking spectacular 4 day festival that everyone loved and it will only get better with each year I organize it. I will be sending out surveys to all who attended because I value the input of the folk because they are the ones I am doing it for.

I slaved over the kitchen on a concrete floor and have the swollen cankles to prove it. I may even attach a photo of my ugly feet lmao. The food was amazing because kitchen witches rock that shit out of the park. Monica Burden was an amazing ally and I could not have done it without her.

We killed 3 rabbits and made an amazing stew. I am currently salting the pelt of my sacrifice. All parts were used, nothing was wasted.
So not only did I organize and run this event, I cooked all the damn food for it too.

At our peak we had close to 20 attendees and that is more than I had expected. I cannot wait until next year as it is a boast I made in front of the folk to make it bigger and better. They will hold me to it. 

I am also going to be drawing the artwork for the third instalment of our Kindertales books. That is something I am so very excited to do.
So kudos to me. "

There is no shame in recognizing yourself for a job well done. Heathens encourage bragging as your worth is determined by the deeds you do in life. If you choose to shit on someone who brags about something they've done; maybe you should stop being a lazy ass and start contributing to the betterment of society. And that's the truth. Take it as you will. 

Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 13:24

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