Facing Your Enemies

In Heathenry we live by a code, WE ARE OUR DEEDS.

I live by this code no matter who I deal with. Be it other Heathens or Pagans or your non-magick folk. I also use this code by which to judge others. Usually it's an indicator of who I want in my life, be it friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc.

You see, words are meaningless when they are not backed by actions. For example: If you are an employer and you tell your employee that you value them, that you appreciate them, that you want them to work for you, but you only pay them the bare minimum you have to, which is a lot less than they deserve for the work they do....well, obviously your words are full of shit.

Not only will people like that get what's coming to them, often it will bite them with equal or greater value when someone like myself has been slighted. Cause let me tell you, especially for those of you in the back who like to take advantage of an individuals ignorance and them not knowing better, I'm not the type of person you want as an enemy. Not only do I protect and stand up for myself, I protect and stand up for those who are in my tribe. I will quote the Havamal since it says it best. "Be your friend's true friend. Return gift for gift. Repay laughter with laughter again. But betrayal with treachery."

You see, Heathens don't believe in letting slights go until the debt incurred has been settled. This establishes boundaries. But it also lets people know where you stand should those boundaries be trampled. If you've been disrespected, lied to, taken advantage of or any of the other ill qualities that stick to sleazy people, you have every right, to settle the score. Revenge is something we have no shame in admitting. And me personally, those who slight me don't know how vindictive I am. If they did, they never would have treated me wrong in the first place. I am easy prey for these kind of people because I am nice to everyone. That is almost always mistaken as weakness, to my predators peril of course.

So, my advice to those of you who often find yourselves on the receiving end of treacherous leeches, stand up for yourself and settle the score. Do not back down and get what you deserve or make your enemies pay for their deceit. Those who betray us are not worthy of forgiveness until a deed(s) has cleaned the slate.

I'm sure there are those who disagree with our ways, so I will leave you with this gem for thought... what lesson will your enemies have learned if you let them get away with treachery? You will still be hurt and they will do it to someone else. You want to know why? Because nobody has corrected their shitty behaviour, so why should they stop?

Friday, 30 November 2018 at 23:41

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